Detective Agency Mönchengladbach, Germany | Private Investigator Mönchengladbach – Kurtz Investigations*

Third best investigation agency in Germany on the Wirtschaftswoche’s service ranking

The IHK-certified investigators of the Kurtz Detective Agency operate in Mönchengladbach and surroundings, gathering valid evidence for crimes committed to harm companies, and clearing private cases on behalf of individuals. Our corporate and private detectives in Mönchengladbach will gladly operate in your case as well – if you are faced with theft of company data through third parties or crimes committed by employees, are involved in a case of child support or alimony or child custody cases, we can help: +49 211 9874 0021.


Not sure yet? Have a look at our references!

Private investigator | Private detective agency Mönchengladbach

In 1921, Mönchengladbach has received the status of a big city as it reached a population of 100,000 for the first time that year. Today (2015), the city counts 266,586 inhabitants. Unfortunately, many of them have to deal with personal issues: Some are uncertain if their partner is faithful; some wonder if their ex-partner is fit to fulfil the duties of custody, some wonder if their ex-partner is saying the truth in their financial statements which the amount of child support and/or alimony will be based on. These and many other serious issues (such as stalking, threats, missing person, and absconding debtors) worry the victims.


Our experienced private detectives in Mönchengladbach can solve most of these cases by monitoring suspects and they will provide you, the client, with the valid evidence. Please, do not hesitate to contact our detective agency in Mönchengladbach, we always investigate discretely and thoroughly. You can make use of our contact form or give us a non-binding call.

Mönchengladbach; detective agency Mönchengladbach Germany, private investigator Mönchengladbach Germany

In good times as in bad, in Mönchengladbach football plays a very significant role and it is no surprise that our detectives are often busy with surveillances while a Borussia game is on (in bars, around stadiums, etc.).

Corporate detectives | Corporate detective agency Mönchengladbach

Up to the 20th century, the textile industry in Mönchengladbach dominated city, but after a few economic crises and structural changes in the urban economy, it now only holds a minor role. Today, machine engineering, electrical engineering, the health system, logistics and cultural industries shape the city's economy. The biggest employers are, for example, the NEW AG, the Santander Consumer Bank, Overlack, Aunde, MEDIA Central and Krings. Mönchengladbach's unemployment rate of 6.8 % is just under the average of North Rhine-Westphalia (7.4 %, 2016). However, it is not the unemployment rate that is the biggest challenge of Mönchengladbach's economy. It is the offenses against small and big companies.


A company's management, for example, has to deal with a number of crimes committed by third parties. These include theft and burglary committed by unknown offenders as well as espionage, unfair competition and patent infringements by competitors. Another major threat is the range of misconducts committed by dishonest employees: external workers claiming their private expenses through the expense account, employees applying for sick leave, while, in reality, they work in another job or pursue a hobby, co-workers who steal from the employer or colleagues, and so forth.


Our IHK-certified corporate detectives in Mönchengladbach operate in these cases, and many more, on behalf of the affected company, gathering valid evidence for criminal prosecution. In a case of need, please contact our detective agency in Mönchengladbach as soon as possible in order to minimise the damage: +49 211 9874 0021.    

Mönchengladbach Germany; private detective Mönchengladbach Germany, investigation service Mönchengladbach Germany, private investigations Mönchengladbach Germany, detective Mönchengladbach Germany


*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Düsseldorf are executed and billed from Gravenberger Allee in Düsseldorf. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable traveling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here, and on operation areas here.

Kurtz Detektei Düsseldorf Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik

Kurtz Detektei Düsseldorf

Grafenberger Allee 293

40237 Düsseldorf

Tel.: 0211 9874 0021

Montag bis Freitag: 08:00-20:00

well:fair Neven Subotic Stiftung

Die Detektei Kurtz unterstützt seit 2016 ununterbrochen die well:fair Neven Subotic Stiftung, die Kindern in armen Regionen Zugang zu Wasser und Bildung verschafft.

Datenschutz Detektei; Düsseldorf Detektiv, Düsseldorf Privatdetektiv, Düsseldorf Detektei

*Hinweis: Alle Einsätze der Kurtz Detektei Düsseldorf werden von der Grafenberger Allee in Düsseldorf aus durchgeführt und berechnet. Bei anderen auf dieser Domain beworbenen Einsatzorten oder -regionen handelt es sich weder um örtliche Niederlassungen noch um Betriebsstätten der Kurtz Detektei Düsseldorf, sofern nicht explizit anders ausgewiesen. Wir können Ihnen bundesweit günstige Anfahrtspauschalen bieten, Gleiches gilt für zahlreiche Regionen im Ausland. In ländlichen Gebieten erfolgt die Berechnung in der Regel von der nächstgrößeren Stadt. Weitere Informationen zu den Honoraren finden Sie hier und zu den Einsatzorten hier.

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